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Our Federation Eyrescroft Primary School
Highlees Primary School

Primary School

Bringing out the Best

Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 page for Highlees.

In Year 3 we have two classes, taught by Mrs Hills and Mr Nicholls. 

Remember: The Year 3 school day will now be from 8:40 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.

Our Year 3 Team are incredibly excited to welcome our new Year 3 children into KS2. Here we will be continuing to work on the independent skills they worked so hard on, in Year 2. The children will be continuing their learning journey across the currciulum. This year, the children will be introduced to a new subject MFL where they will be learning to speak in Spanish! 

PE: PE will be on a Thursday and Friday.  Please ensure that you wear your PE kit to school every Thursday and Friday.  We will not be getting changed prior to the lesson.  This is an important part of our school curriculum, and we encourage all children to take part.  Appropriate PE kit consists of a white t-shirt, black, navy or grey shorts or jogging bottoms/leggings and suitable footwear such as trainers or plimsolls. Children must not wear any earrings or jewellery on PE days. This is for health and safety reasons. Staff are not allowed to remove earrings, so we ask that they are not worn to school at all on PE days.

A labelled water bottle should be brought in daily to make sure your child has access to water at all times especially outside when doing PE.

Reading: Children are expected to be responsible for bringing in their reading diaries and books when they need to be changed.  They will need to bring their reading books to school each day as they could be called on to read on any day. We will continue with the 10 minute pledge, where we promise to read 10 minutes to your child every day - with you reading with them for another 10 minutes. 

Homework: Homework will be set every Friday and is expected to be completed by the following Wednesday. Home learning will be a combination of maths, spelling, grammar and reading. In addition, we will also be sending home a project homework related to our topic learning. This will be sent out at the beginning of each half term and children can return the homework when they have completed it, within that half term, to share with their peers.